


上海 普陀     性别:母 (F)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year

BB仍然在7月中旬以来一直在等待一个永远的家. 她喜欢有人陪她一起玩。她聪明,好奇,活泼,希望找到一个可以无条件爱她照顾她的家。你是那个人吗? 仅限上海。


上海 普陀     性别:母 (F)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: 1-5 years

2017年5月27日晚上在复旦校园内我们发现了歪头兔兔Alex,怀疑是有学生发现她歪头后把她扔在街上自生自灭。一群热心的学生发现她, 马上送去了宠物医院检查,但是他们没办法照顾Alex,所以从2017年10月份开始,Alex都由一个有爱心的兔麻寄养着。 Alex歪头的感染已经治好了,虽然头还歪着,但她已能和正常兔兔一样。Alex是一个快乐的小姑娘,讨人喜欢, 渴望得到宠爱。 由于现在的寄养人没办法继续照顾她,我们在为Alex找一个长期寄养家庭、一个永远的家(需要有养兔经验)

URGENT ! BB needs a forever home ( WARNING ! cuteness overload)

上海 普陀     性别:母 (F)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year

两个月以后 BB和另外一只兔子是FIFA世界杯赌注的受害者,被赌完球后差点成为盘中餐。幸运的是,餐厅里的厨师不忍心,于是将他们救起,现在两只兔子已被救助人接走。小黑兔已经顺利找到一个永久家庭,但小棕兔BB还未找到,寄养人最近会带它去医院做性别和健康检查。BB是一只特别可爱的小兔子,它性格活泼,与人亲近,尤其它的胃口特别好,它最喜欢吃苜蓿干草!BB真的是只特别的兔子,如果你能给BB一个温暖的永久家庭,请联系我们请慎重考虑,严肃对待!


上海 闸北     性别:公 (M)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year

哈尔滨兔兔持续找家 Rescued from Harbin freezing temperatures of - 20 C , these bunnies and more than another 25 were abandoned in a stadium area. Harbin rescuer is still struggling to rescue the rest of them. These 5 lucky Harbin survivors were sent to Shanghai a week ago in hopes of a better chance to life. Please help them ! 在哈尔滨零下20度的时候救回,这5只以及其他25只兔兔是在废弃操场发现的。哈尔滨的救助人依然在艰难地救剩下来的那些。这5只幸运的兔宝宝是一周前被运到上海的,希望能够在这里拥有更多机会找到领养人,请帮助它们!

ADOPT MR. B (3 pounds of fluffiness)

上海 普陀     性别:公 (M)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year

Mr. B was abandoned by an irresponsible family. Luckily he was rescued just in time and taken in by a kind rescuer and now he's in a temporary foster home .He's curious and adventurous. Please consider adopting him.

bunny Butterball needs a FOSTER HOME ASAP

上海 普陀     性别:母 (F)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year

URGENT ! SHANGHAI Temporary foster home needed 给兔兔急找临时寄养家庭!上海 This little 2 month old bunny for 2-3 weeks. Foster home must have a separate area / room in the household to place the bunny ( can't be in contact with other pets due to scabies ) preferably Changning area or Minhang ,to be convenient for the vets visit when necessary ( in 2 weeks or so will be returned to the original foster home ) .butter ball is a goodbunny, just needs a cozy corner . food provided and cage can be arranged too . 名字:奶油球。年龄:2个月,寄养时间:2-3周,要求:寄养的空间必须是独立空间(因为有疥藓所以不能和家里其他动物接触),最好在长宁区或者闵行区,这样方便带去果果宠物诊所,2-3周以后就会带它回原来寄养处。奶油球是个乖孩子,只需要一个温暖的角落,我们可以提供粮草和笼子。


上海 普陀     性别:母 (F)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year



上海 浦东新区     性别:公 (M)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year

Fluff was abandoned in Pudong on August 2016 and left to die. Luckily, his rescuer was passing by and noticed him. He is a gentle and sweet bunny with a lot of love to give. Fluff is playful and well behaved. If you are seriously interested in adopting Fluff please contact his rescuer (Awa) at wechat ID: keka1724 Thank you! Please remember that, if you want to adopt an animal, you must be aware of the responsibilities: 1. Keeping pets is a commitment requiring constant attention and care. In return for their devotion, owners are ensured periods of happiness with pets. But if you are not ready for the long term commitment, do not adopt. 2. Animals need love, regular healthy feeding, and periodic visits to the Vet.

URGENT !!Flo Flo needs a foster/forever home

上海 普陀     性别:公 (M)   体重:< 5kg   年龄: < 1 year

我是复活节的受害者 请不要再抛弃我! 我的名字叫FloFlo,我是一只被用于复活节活动的兔子。在上海一家五星级酒店办完复活节活动后,我被一个家庭领养了。但在三个星期之后,他们不要我了,我也生病了… 但幸好我遇到了好心人的帮助,他们带我去看兽医并且治好我的病,经过他们的照顾,现在我完全健康了,也心存感激。如今的我是一只可爱松软,英俊乖巧,也爱嬉戏,无所不能的兔宝宝。请给我一个机会,让我做你的毛茸茸的同伴。我最大的生活梦想就是能有一个永远爱我,不离不弃的小家。即使家里已经有了兔宝贝我也丝毫不介意,其实我也一直想要一个自己的兔子朋友。你会考虑来看看我么? 需要新家 ! 永远的家或者寄养 小男生. 3 个月多, 可爱

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