
duoduo  upload on 2015年3月20日 20:51   

Pet Type:   dog Name:   blackie Rescue Date:  None
City:   ShangHai Location:   JingAn Weight:  5kg - 10kg Gender:  母 (F) Age:  > 5 years
Desex:   Yes  Vaccinated:   Yes  Rabies:   Yes  Deflea:   Yes  Dewormed:   Yes 
blackie, female, around 8 years old. dewormed, vaccinated and neatured. Six year ago, blackie was lying on the street, could not move. Then i took her to the vet and the doctor said she was in the calcifame status because of milking her babies. After one month treatment in the hospital, blackie recoverd and lives in the shelter till now. Blackie don't look beautiful and also she was only a common dog, seems there is no one likes her and wants to take her home. And now she is more than 8 years and it is not good for an old dog to live in the shelter. So if anyone would like to foster her or adopt her, it will be the best thing that happen in her life. she is and will always be a good girl.

Contact info

tel:18662621204 wechat:viviennezj

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