Cici and Didi

caiyun  upload on 2014年9月12日 16:47   

Pet Type:   cat Name:   Cici and Didi Rescue Date:  2014年8月12日
City:   ShangHai Location:   MingHang Weight:  < 5kg Gender:  --- Age:  1-5 years
Desex:   Yes 2015年4月9日 Vaccinated:   Yes  Rabies:   No  Deflea:   Yes  Dewormed:   Yes 
Cici, female; Didi, Male; they are brother and sister from the same litter, 1 yr old. dewormed/defleaed/vaccinated/desexed.May be adopted together or sparate. For international adopters, you must currently reside in Shanghai, and before adopting, please think carefully whether you would take the cat with you if you move to another city or return to your own country in the future. Please bear in mind that importing animals to some countries can be costly and complicated.

Contact info

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