Pets help heal us - Dr.OZ

admin     2013年7月11日 19:28

Pets Can Have Therapeutic Value to Human Health

As family’s best friends, pets can benefit human health in many ways, such as improving heart condition, immune system, blood vessel condition, even solving weight problems.

You will not understand how having a pet can bring your life so much happiness until you got your own beloved one. The most exciting news is that more and more evidence shows that animals affect human health in an incredibly positive way. A former board director and general manager of the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Edward Creagan is thoroughly convinced of the therapeutic value that pets can bring to families. He has advised one-third of his patients with cancer to spend time with animals for their therapeutic benefits.

Here are the possible benefits of animal companionship:

Reduce the risk of anaphylaxis, asthma, and eczema. 

People with anaphylaxis or allergy problems produce antibodies that cause pathological changes to asthma or eczema. Scientists conjecture that these patients could have reduced their risk of developing such problems if they had interacted with animals when they were infants or children. Research done in 2008 reveals that unborn babies develop much lower antibody counts if their mothers have contact with pets during pregnancy.

Lower blood pressure    

Simply loving your pets or gazing into your aquarium can efficiently lower your blood pressure. Also pets can have a long term effect on the human circulatory system. Researchers tracked and investigated 24 stock brokers with high blood pressure, who also owned a cat or a dog. Not only was their blood pressure decreased but they also reported being more relaxed and mentally calm. In contrast, traditional medication was relatively less effective than pet therapy.

Strengthen the heart   

In a significant experiment of treating heart arrhythmia, researchers examined 369 patients who had suffered a heart attack. They discovered that only 1% patients who had pets had died after one year following the diagnosis. However, the mortality of those patients without pets reached 7%.

Improve general health     

The article published in ‘Sports and Health’ magazine in 2011 stated that over 34% of pet owners can complete 150 minutes per week of basic exercise. Other inquiry shows that people with pets walk 19 minutes more per week than people without pets.

Soothing patients with dementia      

Dementia is an unfortunate burden on patients and their families. About 12.5% of people age 65 or older get this disease. Research proves that senile dementia patients accompanied by a dog are less likely to feel anxious or frustrated. Cats can do even better since they don’t need as much care.

Even-though not everybody can have the opportunity to have a pet or a fish tank in their house, everyone can still benefit from animal companionship by volunteering with us. Help the animals and improve your own quality of life.    

                                                                           -Article from American Pet Food Institute


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