Finding the Right Adopter for your Rescued Animal

admin     2013年3月24日 23:47

Do not rush into placing an animal with just anyone! There had been cases where a person with ulterior motives pose as a pet lover but turns around and sell the rescued pet for profit. Large dogs are often kept as watch dogs or guard dogs at worksites. When you meet with a potential adopter, please ask questions and try your best to verify the information provided.

Here are some questions or “clues” to help identify a suitable adopter:

-         Do they have experiences as pet owners?

-         Do you already have a pet at home and looking for a second one?

-         Is this a referral from a trusted friend?

-         Do you have a stable income and a suitable home (e.g. a home where pet ownership is allowed.)

-         Do the people whom they are living with (roommate or parents) agree to living with a pet? Is anyone living with them allergic to animals?

-         For young couples, in the event they become pregnant in the future, do they intend to keep the pet?

-         Are they aware of the expenses involved with having a pet? Costs for licenses, vaccinations, dog food, someone to watch over the pet when owner goes on vacation, etc.

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