How to Help a scared dog from fireworks?
admin 2015年2月17日 15:54
阴沉的天空中, 闪电照亮了云层,雷声频频。 你知道你是安全的,但你的狗狗却并不知道这一点。 他可能会藏起来、也可能会焦躁不安地呜呜叫起来,有时甚至会变得疯狂。 他为什么这样做? 作为主人的我们应该做些什么才能让狗狗觉得安全? 请继续读下去。
The sky is dark, the clouds illuminated with lightning, and thunder booms. You know that you are perfectly safe, but your dog does not know this. He may hide, whine, or become frantic. Why is he doing this? How can you make him feel safe? Keep reading to find out.
理解你的狗狗。 他会害怕是因为他感觉不安全。狗狗的听觉极其敏锐,所以他能听到更多声音的细节,而你却不能。对狗狗而言,雷声更响亮也更刺耳,听上去仿佛近在咫尺,极具威胁。
Understand your dog. He may be scared because he feels unsafe -- dogs have a great sense of hearing and so your dog is picking up more sound details than your mind cannot -- the noises are louder and harsher for him. They may seem very close and threatening.
让你的狗狗躲起来。 噪音的确是可怕的,但另一个非常重要的因素是狗狗对噪音的不适甚至疼痛。 长毛狗对雷声特别过敏。 风暴期间,像电脉冲通过地板等等类似的事情,几乎每一样都会让你的狗狗害怕。 你的狗狗可能会觉得在浴室里比较舒服,因为浴室里的管道能够吸收部分冲击。 然而,即便如此,你也不应该把你的狗狗锁在浴室里。
Let your dog hide. The loud noises may be frightening, but another very important factor is discomfort or even pain. Long-haired dogs especially have a problem with thunder. During a storm, electrical pulses move through floors and such, shocking your dog with nearly every move. Your dog may feel the most comfortable in a bathroom, where the pipes will absorb some of the shock. However, you should not lock your dog in the bathroom, but rather, give him the choice.
陪伴你的狗狗。 你的狗狗会因为你在 而感到安心。狗狗是非常善于交际和聪明的动物,仅仅是靠近他就能够给予狗狗足够的安慰。
Give your dog company. Your dog will be comforted by your presence, as dogs are highly sociable and intelligent pack animals. Simply being near may give your dog comfort.
让你的狗狗冷静下来。 狗狗通常都会喜欢你抚摸他,或是跟他说话,甚至温柔地唱歌给他听。
Calm your dog. Perhaps your dog would like you to stroke him or talk to him or even sing to him in a soft, calm voice.
有时狗狗会害怕是因为周围的事物让他感到难受。 所以遮住狗狗的眼睛和/或耳朵可能会起到帮助。
Sometimes dogs get frightened because their surroundings are distressing. Sometimes it is helpful to cover dogs eyes and/or ears.
文章来自英文网络 由BFC的学生志愿者Vicky和Richard翻译及编辑整理。如需转载请注明信息来源自 (Translated and edited by Vicky and Richard for BFC.)