Laura 上传于 2019年1月28日 15:10
种类: 狗 | 名字: Sausage | 救助日期: None | ||
所在城市: 上海 | 寄养地区: | 体重: < 5kg | 性别: 公 (M) | 年龄: < 1 year |
绝育: No | 免疫: Yes | 狂犬疫苗: Yes | 体内驱虫: Yes | 体外驱虫: Yes |
Sausage is a young male dog 6 months old, very friendly and warm! He likes to play a lot and he is looking for a home and love! We found Sausage abandoned in our compound parking. It was raining and it was cold, so he was hiding scared between cars, and he ate some bad garbage that was causing him pain. We rescued Sausage, showered him, dewormed and vaccinated and especially, we gave him love and a home and food. Sausage grew strong again in those few months.
Sausage never refuse to play or to give a warm welcome!
He is vaccinated with the vet booklet, and dewormed. He is lovely and he is trying to find a new home. We would LOVE to keep him but we already have 4 rescued cats and a bird.
Sausage is smart and can learn commands quickly, such as to sit.
Thank you!
Contact WeChat ID: marcogras