gabby 上传于 2018年1月13日 00:53
种类: 其他 | 名字: 2018带个兔子回家!急找寄养&领养家庭 | 救助日期: None | ||
所在城市: 上海 | 寄养地区: 闸北 | 体重: < 5kg | 性别: 公 (M) | 年龄: < 1 year |
绝育: Yes | 免疫: No | 狂犬疫苗: No | 体内驱虫: No | 体外驱虫: No |
Rescued from Harbin freezing temperatures of - 20 C , these bunnies and more than another 25 were abandoned in a stadium area. Harbin rescuer is still struggling to rescue the rest of them. These 5 lucky Harbin survivors were sent to Shanghai a week ago in hopes of a better chance to life. Please help them !
f you're seriously interested in helping them please contact : English Wechat : snowflake_2010 如果你慎重考虑并想要帮助他们的话请联系:中文微信: leaszy 还是 jenny_dandan