Homes needed for rescued puppies

admin     2014年12月17日 16:58

Updates of the puppies:  Of all 80 ​ puppies rescued, 19 has entered homes or have sponsors to move to different hospitals, of the 14 left at the clinic, most are already eating now.  Two are healthy and await immediate homes,12 are recovering from distemper etc and expected to go under observation next week.  We will like to appeal to all to reserve a special place in your home and heart for taking them in for tender loving home care.


So many puppies came and left us without a name or photo, BFC determines to make them all special friends by giving them a name first, we do not want them to be just a number.  Adoption/fostering requirement: No other dogs at home or homes with adult dogs that have had regular vaccination, adopters/fosterers have experience with puppies and lots of love and patience for these little fighters.


These two are available immediately to go home (Wow, we start from A to U), and others have been adopted and we are left with Adam and Eve in the healthy room!)

这两只能吃能喝可以立即接回家:(这么巧,我们从A开始起名,全健康的就Adam & Eve了)

1)(Adopted)Adam:男孩,在转移点就是最闹最活泼的一个,爱叫,喜欢人疼。boy, like to get attention.  Big flurry cutie.

2)Eve, 女孩,总是那么乖巧的用对大眼睛看着你。Pretty eyes.


细小加狗瘟的两只,恢复中,接受预订:These two have distemper and parvo but are eating, will know by next week:

3)Freida, 女孩,乖乖的,阿姨们给她天天保暖,现在已经自己吃东西了。Caretakers are making nice blankets and clothings for them.  Now eating well.

4)(Deceased)Hector, 男孩,吃的不多,还有待观察。Hector is eating but not much, will observe more.


狗瘟恢复中,这批狗狗在经过几天的吊水和打针后多能吃能喝,接受预订:The following all  have distemper but are recovering, we have hope.

5)Ian, 男孩,小杜宾,么有尾巴,说有多可爱就有多可爱。Tailess doberman very active and cute.

6)Jenny, 女孩,吉娃娃串,一直让大家牵肠挂肚的小宝贝。A little chihuahua that touches every volunteer's heart.

7)Kelly, 女孩,热情的小黄狗,在病房里也永远那么不安分的玩耍。Active girl always playful and wants more food.

8)Lyon, 男孩,还有点咳嗽,但吃起来绝对不含糊。Lyon has a cough still, eats well.

9)Model, 男孩,阿姨们给它做的小衣服,它好喜欢,好上镜的小家伙。Model is wearing the little clothing that ayis make her, he is a real model.

10)Nini, 女孩,白色,温柔的妹子。Nini is calm and doing well.

11)Princess, 女孩,大些的梗类,在经过几天的挂水后已经好些但还没怎么吃。She has been on IV drip for days and has started to eat a littlle but not much.

12)Queenie,女孩,在接连几天的吊水后今天也已有食欲。On drips for 4 days now and starts to have good appertite.

13)Richard, 男孩,一直都是很皮的一个。能吃能喝。 A very friendly and playful doggie.

14) Sandy, 女孩,也是个皮皮的孩子。A playful girl most likely sister of richard.


Please think carefully befor taking one of these special dogs into yur home.  For adoption/fostering please write to,请想清楚,养宠j就要对它负责,有愿意在这种特殊的情况下给予它们特别的爱的好心人,请发中文邮件至, 无法领养寄养也行,帮他们好好调养后我们会继续帮他们找到永远的家。



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Adoption Form - English Version



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